Adm. Lisa Franchetti outlined a seven-goal plan for 2027, which Washington has repeatedly said is Xi Jinping's target for ...
Admiral Lisa Franchetti says lessons from combat in the Red Sea and Ukraine’s Black Sea fight can help the US prepare for an ...
Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the head of Naval Operations, has urged the United States to prepare for a potential direct ...
The U.S. Navy on Wednesday released a new strategy designed to ensure the force is ready to meet the rising challenge from ...
美国海军军令部长弗兰切蒂上将,18日公布新版《美国作战海军领航计画》(Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting ...
The United States Navy released its "Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navy" on Thursday, outlining how the U.S. will ...
Adm. Lisa Franchetti writes the Navy will "face deep strategic constraints" in the future short of any boost to its budget.
Navigation Plan 2024 for America's warfighting navy' by Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Lisa Franchetti, released on 18 September, ...
本报南宁9月17日电 (记者祝佳祺)《国家邮政局关于支持广西打造面向东盟的区域性国际邮政快递枢纽的意见》 (以下简称《意见》)日前印发。《意见》指出,到2027年基本实现广西—东盟主要城市48小时寄达。到2035年,建成面向东盟的区域性国际邮政快递枢纽。
美国国务院上个月批准向以色列出售价值200亿美元(约新台币6376亿元)的战机及其他军事设备。拜登政府周四(12)再度批准向以色列出售价值1.646亿美元(约新台币52.5亿元)的重型坦克拖车及相关设备,正值以色列在被摧毁的加沙地带进行战争并且在西岸 ...