A series of research papers and a free online data dashboard seek to boost the use of biofortification—an affordable, ...
Lemons may increase iron bioavailability (the amount available in the body) and bioaccessibility (the amount available for absorption). This is likely due to the high vitamin C content in the citrus ...
Wang Z, Wade AM, Richter DD, Stapleton HM, Kaste JM, & Vengosh A (2022) Legacy of anthropogenic lead in urban soils: Co-occurrence with metal (loids) and fallout radionuclides, isotopic fingerprinting ...
Professor Carsten Carlberg has published a comprehensive new textbook, "Gene Regulation and Epigenetics: How Science Works," which presents the current understanding of gene regulation and ...
Fresh or canned sardines are a healthy part of most people's diet due to the omega-3s, calcium, and essential nutrients.