Rob Speyer, Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Speyer, shares his view on Shanghai's 2035 outlook. He said: "I believe that Shanghai can harness the power of a technology-driven paradigm shift over ...
而截至目前,我们可以公开查询的上海微电子在光刻机方面的进展信息是张江集团在去年12月19日的推文中提及:上海微电子成功研制出28纳米光刻机。但有意思的是张江集团之后对文章进行了修改,拿掉了关于28纳米的表述,改为:“作为国内唯一一家掌握光刻机技术的企 ...
【ITBEAR】9月13日消息,近日,几乎同时发布的华为三折叠屏手机Mate XT与苹果iPhone16系列在中国市场引发了强烈关注,尤其是华为三折叠屏手机Mate ...
Alle 20 di stasera la Fed annuncerà la sua decisone sul taglio dei tassi: se di 25 o di 50 pb. La valuta statunitense che si ...
A one-stop platform to boost medical innovation and commercialization of clinical achievements was unveiled in Shanghai's ...