Cloudy water can be worrying for a new aquarist, and outright alarming for an established one. So, what causes your aquarium water to become cloudy and how can it be fixed? Fishkeepers soon learn that ...
This is the impressive moment a clever cat alerted its owner to a water leak from a fish tank. The black and white feline noticed the water on the floor, prompting it to get the attention of the ...
making it easier to keep the water clean. Here's why that matters: "Every time you throw food in an aquarium, you're polluting the water. It's a closed system, right?" he said. "So you're going to get ...
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute used underwater technology for two decades to gather more information on a ...
The neighborhood’s beloved sidewalk fish pond was resurrected this week — in an act of defiance that comes just five days ...
An unusual sea slug with a large hood, a tail with fingerlike projections and glowing bioluminescence has been found living ...
But the reality is that many of the species from fish farms have become less demanding in terms of water chemistry than their wild ancestors, and for a good many species, what we see in aquarium shops ...
“All that dirty water. They knew what they did. No respect.” The fish, in fact, did die. Aquarium enthusiasts woke up Wednesday morning to see “over 100” dead goldfish who did not survive ...
There's plenty of seafood for everyone if we protect our waters, eat local, and support our fisheries. The PBS Hope in the ...
Local agencies are asking the public not to dump their aquarium coral, fish and other aquatic species into the ocean, streams ...