Turkish language news from the Turkish Radio & Television Corporation (TRT) in Istanbul Turkiye, no subtitles.
Turkish language news from the Turkish Radio & Television Corporation (TRT) in Istanbul Turkiye, no subtitles.
本台法广(RFI Afrique)非洲组的法文报导说,这位名叫Lucas Ayaba ...
As the Mid-Autumn holiday concluded on September 17th, 2024, the Guangzhou Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, and Tourism ...
On the afternoon of September 17, local time, the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television held ...
荷兰已宣布,打算添购F-35A战机,还有无人机、NH90直升机、坦克、反潜巡防舰和反无人机系统等。相关计画是5日在新国防规划文件中公布,将额外拨款24亿欧元(约852亿台币)。《航太周刊》(Aviation Week)8日报导, ...
在2024年9月18日举行的虚拟年度股东大会上,Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO)的股东就多项重要提案进行了投票,包括董事选举和高管薪酬方案。这次通过网络直播举行的会议有超过1.56亿股参与表决。 股东们重新选举了所有提名的董事,任期将于2025年年度股东大会结束。Strauss Zelnick、Michael Dornemann、Wi ...
“再造灵境——当代艺术展”是从“艺术与科技”主题出发组织和策划的专题展览,展览旨在展现艺术家利用当代科技所进行的一系列艺术实践与成果。 "Recreating Spiritual Realm - Contemporary Art Exhibition ...
由深圳市文化广电旅游体育局指导,深圳美术馆主办,游江和朱小钧联合策展的“再造灵境——当代艺术展”2024年9月27日在深圳美术馆(新馆)开幕,该展是从“艺术与科技”主题出发组织和策划的专题展览,旨在展现当代艺术家利用新技术所进行的一系列艺术实践与成果 ...
El programa de exploración lunar de China llevará a cabo otras dos misiones para sentar las bases de la Estación ...
First group of South Korean tourists entering China via Zhengzhou airport visit Southern Taihang Mountains in Xinxiang ...
A number of new attractions in Guangzhou are open to the public this year. Take advantage of the National Day holiday to explore them. Located at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, Yunxi Botanical Garden ha ...