The Mopani Synclinorium shaft project will establish a hoisting and ventilation facility ... The original contract called for blind sinking, equipping and commissioning of the 7m diameter downcast ...
Murray & Roberts Cementation Zambia has been awarded the shaft sinking and equipping of the synclinorium shaft for Mopani Copper Mines in Kitwe, Zambia. The new shaft is expected to add about 25 years ...
Underground mining infrastructure includes underground installations, two (2) ramps, a 500 m shaft, hoist, headframe and several surface buildings including administrative, warehouse and ...
The Property consists of a mining lease, a mining concession, and 11 mining claims. Underground mining infrastructure includes underground installations, two (2) ramps, a 500 m shaft, hoist, headframe ...
Underground mining infrastructure includes underground installations, two (2) ramps, a 500 m shaft, hoist, headframe and several surface buildings including administrative, warehouse and ...