The inhibition of ERK5 is a potential complementary strategy for countering FAK inhibitor resistance in patients with lung ...
科技日报北京9月1日电 (记者张梦然)DNA因其标志性的双螺旋结构而广为人知。但澳大利亚加文医学研究所科学家发现,人类基因组还含有超过5万个不寻常的结状DNA结构,称为i-基序。最新一期《EMBO》杂志发表了这些独特DNA结构的第一张综合图谱,揭示了它们在 ...
DNA was extracted from 25 mg of each tissue sample using the Nucleospin Tissue kit ... Nevertheless, some limitations of the study, such as the absence of data regarding the impact of retroviral ...
A team of experts has proposed storing the DNA of threatened animals in a vault on the lunar surface – Earth's only natural satellite – where conditions are cold enough to preserve the samples.
DNA is well-known for its double helix shape. But the human genome also contains more than 50,000 unusual knot-like DNA structures called i-motifs, researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. DNA i-motif structures are formed in the ...
Innovative study of DNA's hidden structures may open up new approaches for treatment and diagnosis of diseases, including cancer. Innovative study of DNA's hidden structures may open up new ...
Researchers at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have uncovered new insights into the fundamental mechanisms of RNA polymerase II (Pol II), the protein responsible ...
With the development of advanced genome editing techniques, it is now possible to insert large DNA sequences into precise genomic locations without the need for DNA double strand breaks, enabling the ...