宾夕法尼亚州立大学设计的编码超构表面,通过结合表现出强手性的超构原子,使所有偏振状态都具有不同的偏振响应,从而使每个超像素都具有不同的光谱和偏振响应。这与传统光谱仪中使用的窄带滤波器或光栅不同,在传统光谱仪中,波长信息被这些滤波器混合,然后必须在后处 ...
Researchers tested their metasurface and neural network by video-recording transparent "PSU" letters under different laser ...
Abstract: Polarimetric features, no matter how they are extracted, play a crucial role in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image interpretation. Since recently developed deep neural network (DNN)-based ...
simdata: A (2*3) composite complex polarimetric scattering image data. pscm = c2m(simdata) % pscm: the proposed Polarimetric-Scattering-Coding Matrix. citation: If you find it useful in your research, ...
A false-color polarimetric image of sugar crystals floating in water. Look past the melty plastic bits, and your average 3D printer is just a handy 3-axis Cartesian motion platform. This makes ...
Researchers developed an ultrathin metasurface, which can attach to a conventional camera and encode the spectral and ...
The 4 new X–band polarimetric radars will provide real-time data every 5 mins by detecting clouds which bring extreme rain, ...
Mumbai has become India's first mega metropolitan city to be covered by a short-range polarimetric radar network. Four new ...
India’s first short-range weather radar network, which will give forecasters high-resolution rainfall maps in real-time, has ...
Chinese astronomers have conducted multi-frequency polarimetric observations of a quasar known as 1604+159. Results of the observational campaign, published August 13 on the pre-print server arXiv ...
Devices used for night vision, machines that "see" and interpret visual information, need spectro-polarimetric imaging in the long-wave infrared. However, the current devices that use this technology ...