The 1,350-tonne Pelamis was sold by the Stromness-based European Marine Energy Centre (Emec) and is reported to come with a cash payment of about £47,000. It was the first deep-water, floating ...
From this rush of alternative energy investment came companies like Wavebob, Pelamis, Aquamarine, and many more that designed wave energy devices of all shapes and sizes—and if they were lucky ...
In 2014, one competitor - wave power firm Pelamis - went into administration. It was followed a year later by another - Aquamarine Power - which also slid beneath the waves. As one industry ...
Fishers in the Maldives have traditionally used pole-and-line fishing to catch tuna like skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares). But since 1985, the Maldivian government ...
It is clean and renewable and uses no fossil fuels. Out to sea, floating on the ocean surface is the Pelamis, an alternative wave-powered generator that also produces electricity. Renewable energy ...
The first landing by a single vessel under this scheme returned more than half a tonne of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). Tuna are highly migratory open-ocean fish that can be captured outside ...
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