Somil Jaiswal, the in-charge of Trauma Centre, said all fire safety protocols at the ... were parked in front of the fire exit, blocking the designated emergency evacuation route.
OSHA said current preparedness standards are "outdated and incomplete" and "do not address the full range of hazards facing emergency responders." Critics warn the proposal is too sweeping and ...
In emergency cleanup operations, where biohazardous substances like blood or hazardous chemicals are often present, OSHA compliance becomes a cornerstone of safe and lawful practice. The Occupational ...
State and local officials are sounding alarms about the potential cost and feasibility of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s plan for a major overhaul of the standards that protect ...
“Emergency response workers in America face considerable occupational health and safety hazards in dynamic and unpredictable work environments. Current OSHA emergency response and preparedness ...