Realizing a Phase I human clinical trial commencing to test the efficacy and safety of the transplantation of olfactory cell nerve bridges to treat chronic spinal cord injury. Since the passing of ...
It sounded kind of crazy at first, but then I paused. Our nose has a direct connection to the brain through the olfactory nerve and olfactory bulb. The olfactory nerve is the shortest cranial nerve.
said olfactory ensheathing cells are the specialised cells within the olfactory (sense of smell) nerve within the nose that have numerous therapeutic properties for repairing and regenerating nerves.
Since the passing of Professor Emeritus Alan Mackay-Sim AM in 2023, his ground-breaking legacy research is about to be realized with a Phase I human clinical trial commencing to test the efficacy and ...
Earlier versions injected the cells at the site of the injury, but the Phase I/IIa trial will use 1-2 cm (0.4-0.8 inch) bridges built of millions of olfactory ensheathing nerve cells.