据Orderly Network发布的最新数据显示,目前已有近7100万枚$ORDER代币被质押,占其流通供应量的37%以上。同时,Orderly Network表示当前质押年化收益率(APR)已达到21.76%。
以色列上周五动用美制钻地弹,成功击杀了真主党领袖纳斯拉勒(Hassan Nasrallah)。据悉这是以色列数十年来处心积虑,渗透伊朗和黎巴嫩激进分子指挥结构,运用关键情资趁虚而入的结果。《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)30 ...
BlockBeats 消息,9 月 29 日,去中心化交易基础设施提供商 Orderly Network 在社交媒体上发文表示,目前已有近 7100 万枚 ORDER 代币被质押,占其流通供应量的 37% 以上。
A new set of rules addressing various aspects of daily life, from prepaid fees at elderly care institutions to improvements ...
在西方主导的全球政治经济秩序中,一直被忽视的利益相关者就是非洲。经常被称为“被遗忘的大陆”的53个非洲国家的领导人最近齐聚北京举行的中非合作论坛北京峰会,与非洲大陆最大的投资国和支持者合作,帮助打造一个拥有14亿人口,与中国人口差不多的新非洲- 解决非洲发展落后和贫困问题,这些问题破坏了世界 ...
Editor's note: Over the past 75 years, New China has made remarkable progress that not only benefits the Chinese people but ...
BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Sunday stressed that efforts must be made to implement the policies and arrangements of the central authorities in order to achieve the ...
The Bull & Claw has a traditional roast, both wagyu beef and chicken, from 5pm every Sunday for just RMB138, with the option ...
During the High-level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York, climate change has once again become a central global ...