An analysis of tissue samples from nearly 1,200 older adults found that the more insertions individuals had, the younger they died.
When we need to recharge, we might take a vacation or relax at the spa. But what if we could recharge at the cellular level, ...
Discover promising biotech candidates and groundbreaking research offering new hope for treating mitochondrial diseases.
Tiny but mighty, the mitochondria continue to surprise scientists with new insights into their diverse roles within cells.
In 1817, a British physician named James Parkinson published An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, describing for the first time ...
这时候,人们才知道,早在7月10日,这位华裔科学家已于芝加哥的家中自杀离世,享年60岁。消息传出,学术界一片哗然。 据报道,有知情人士透露吴瑛生前遭到了美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的调查,并被西北大学赶出了实验室。
Leigh氏综合征(Leigh syndrome,LS),是一种以生长迟缓、乳酸酸中毒和进行性变性为特征的儿童线粒体疾病,因线粒体能量产生障碍导致 中枢神经 系统进行性退行性损害,病变广泛累及脑基底节、脑干和脊髓,呈亚急性 坏死 ...
T cells refueled with extra mitochondria exhibited heightened antitumor activity and reduced signs of exhaustion in ...
Fighting cancer is exhausting for T cells. Hostile tumor microenvironments can drain their mitochondrial activity, leading to ...
Bile acids are byproducts of cholesterol metabolism in the liver and constitute the primary components of bile. Disruption of ...
Fever temperatures rev up immune cell metabolism, proliferation and activity, but they also — in a particular subset of T ...
Show more Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the power-packs within cells in all complex life on Earth. Inside each cell of every complex organism there are structures known as mitochondria. The 19th ...