No casualties have been reported after a 4.7-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday jolted Hefei, the capital city of east China's ...
针对高光谱遥感图像分类中存在的光谱冗余和混叠难题。许廷发教授科研团队提出了一种内容驱动的幅度导数光谱互补学习高光谱图像分类方法。通过引入能够放大微小光谱特征,提取了隐藏信息光谱导数特征,创新的构建了光谱互补网络。通过构建内容感知的逐点模块,实现了光谱 ...
CCTV shows a grocery store shaking as a magnitude 5 earthquake hit Indonesia this morning. The quake epicentre struck around ...
在此,我们表明使用新提出的紧急约束(EC)来约束模型预测,可以在全球范围内将核心干旱指标——最长年度干旱期(LAD)——预测的不确定性降低10%—26%。经EC校正后的预测结果显示,与目前预测的未来作用力情景相比,LAD的平均增幅将高出42%—44% ...
O Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom) do Banco Central do Brasil decidiu, por unanimidade, nesta quarta-feira, aumentar em 0,25 ponto percentual a taxa básica de juro (Selic), que passou para 10,75%.
The direction of an axial core displacement is shown by the polarity of the output voltage. The amplitude of the voltage changes proportional to the magnitude of the core’s displacement and ...