Big Zuu continues his quest of exploring delicacies from around the world. After getting a taste of Italy, Cyprus and the Netherlands, he is back in London to eat 12 dishes of this place.
在今年7月份,猎奇恐怖视觉小说《瓢虫之年》公布了 首支预告 ,这款玩家期待已久的作品终于不再沉寂。而今日《瓢虫之年》Steam商店页面也正式上线,不过游戏已经改名为《瓢虫之年:第一季》(Year of the Ladybug: Season 1),看起来本作会像《黑相集》一样按季度划分系列作品。游戏尚未公布具体发售日期,目前不支持中文。
“Storing“ is a wise act in response to the harsh winter. “Start storing radishes at Lidong, and cabbages at Xiaoxue.“ Around Lidong, every household is busy storing radishes and cabbages, as a careful ...