In a "groundbreaking achievement," a clone of an endangered species of ferret has given birth to babies for the very first time. The mother, named Antonia, is a clone of another black-footed ...
STAUNTON – A man who left town in 2021, leaving behind two pet dogs and a ferret to slowly die inside a Staunton rental, pleaded guilty Monday to three charges. Conditions were so dire in the ...
Elizabeth Ann is about two months old and was cloned from 33-year old DNA US scientists have successfully cloned a highly-endangered black-footed ferret using DNA from an identical animal that has ...
In the early 1900s, the United States was likely home to more than 5 million ferrets. But ferrets, which hunt prairie dogs for food and live in their burrows, were almost wiped out early in the 20th ...
The domestic ferret, though not as common a laboratory animal as the rat or mouse, serves as a model in critical research areas, including influenza biology and vaccine development. Studies ...