米兰2024年9月4日 /美通社/ -- 可再生能源领导者Enfinity Global Inc今天宣布,该公司已完成1.896亿欧元融资,用于建设位于意大利拉 ...
迈阿密2024年8月27日 /美通社/ -- 可再生能源领导者Enfinity Global Inc.今天宣布,完成5亿欧元融资,加上项目融资,将为意大利1.5 ...
(能动Nengdong2024年5月16日讯)可再生能源领域的领导者Enfinity Global Inc. 宣布,它已签署1.35亿美元的融资,用于在印度开发和建设1.2吉瓦的太阳能和风能 ...
In August 2024, Enfinity Global secured a €500m ($558m) deal to develop a 1.5GW solar portfolio in Italy. The investment was ...
(能动Nengdong2024年3月20日讯)可再生能源领域的领先企业 Enfinity Global Inc. 宣布,已成功将其在美国的 400 兆瓦运营组合的少数股权出售给日本领先的 ...
Enfinity Global is currently building 416MW of capacity in Italy across 17 projects, which have secured long-term power purchase agreements. The power purchase agreement consists of a portfolio of ...
Enfinity Global reached financial close on a 1.5GW Italian portfolio earlier this year. Image: Enfinity Global. US independent power producer (IPP) Enfinity Global has secured €189.6 million (US ...
MIAMI, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Enfinity Global Inc., a leader in renewable energy, announced today the financial close of a €500 million financing that combined with project finance will ...
MILAN, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Enfinity Global Inc, a leader in renewable energy, today announced that it has closed € 189.6 million in financing for the construction of 157.1 MW in eight ...
加利福尼亚州纽波特比奇 - 医疗美容公司Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB)发布了一系列案例研究的结果,表明其基于外泌体的产品可能会增强激光治疗在治疗黄褐斑(一种导致色素沉着的皮肤病)方面的效果。该研究涉及四名35至40岁之间的越南女性,她们在治疗后显示出显著的黄褐斑改善,且六个月后没有复发。