A Gia voiceover laughs this directive off to the tune of, “Lol, can you believe that guy?!” leaving the implication of potential infidelity—at least on her part—never to be mentioned again.
GIA美国宝石研究院成立于 1931 年,是全球权威的钻石、彩色宝石和珍珠研究机构。 GIA 是一个非营利的公益性机构,是宝石与珠宝知识、标准和教育的主要来源。 欢迎关注 GIA。 全球各地的学生来到 GIA 寻求知识、学习技能、获取证书,以求建立成功的宝石和珠宝 ...
Ruby is the July birthstone – and it’s one of the most coveted of gems. The name is derived from the Latin word ruber, meaning “red” – the color of love and passion. Few things catch the eye like the ...
In brain tumours, immune cells called macrophages scavenge lipid debris from the myelin sheath of neurons. These lipid-laden macrophages cause immunosuppression, and their transfer of lipids to ...