Offshore oil and gas production company CNOOC Limited announced on Tuesday that it has drilled a natural gas well in the ...
掸泰地块,又称掸邦地块、滇缅马苏地块(Sibumasu massif)、滇缅马来亚地块(Sinoburmalaya massif),中国境内称为保山地块。位于缅甸东部掸邦的一个近南北向的长条形地体。北起中国云南保山,向南经过缅甸、泰国、马来半岛,南至苏门答腊岛,长4000km。[1] 概述 ...
Sheds light on early Pennsylvanian life. The Wamsutta Formation in eastern North America has a rich variety of ancient ...
CNOOC Limited (the "Company", SEHK: 00883 (HKD Counter) and 80883 (RMB Counter), SSE: 600938) announces today that it has ...
Tectonics and sedimentation of forearc, fold-thrust, and strike-slip orogens Physical sedimentology and petrology of clastic deposystems, including detrital geochronologic studies to evaluate sediment ...
Before the two projects put onstream this month, CNOOC Ltd. started up three projects in 2024: the Suizhong 36-1/Luda 5-2 ...
She investigates the origin and evolution of the continental crust, the provenance of clastic sedimentary rocks, granite petrogenesis, and applies isotope geology and geochemistry to environmental ...
A wide variety of sedimentary structures occur in modern jökulhlaup deposits and an important question arises when trying to identify jökulhlaup deposits in the sedimentary record: which sedimentary ...
Dr. Lesley Rose, P.Geo., Senior Exploration Geologist for the Company, is the “Qualified Person” as defined by National ...
India’s state-owned Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has made a significant gas discovery with a potential play-opening ...