BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- A geographic sciences multi-modal Large Language Model (LLM), the first of its kind in the ...
随着信息与通信技术的进步,越来越多的研究专注使用多模态话语分析(Multimodal Discourse Analysis, MDA)来解释多模符号系统的意义建构。与此同时,超语(translanguaging)强调在多模态符号资源的整合,以形成一种流动且动态的意义建构过程,通过对超符号(trans ...
In 2023, China and Saudi Arabia agreed to boost Chinese language education. Now, Chinese is part of Saudi school curriculums. In August, the first 175 Chinese language teachers arrived to launch this ...
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)星期六(9月21日)在他家乡特拉华州威尔明顿市主持召开他任内最后一次的四方安全对话或四国集团(Quad)峰会。峰会预计会发表一个新的安全倡议应对来自北京的挑战。
2024年9月20日:总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯已抵达美国出席四方领导人峰会,在领导人会晤之前,他还将与美国总统乔·拜登进行一对一会谈(收听播客,了解详情)。 本期新闻要点: 总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯抵美出席四方领导人峰会 ...
尽管一些发达国家宣布战胜通胀,但黄金价格仍在上涨。 自2019年以来,黄金价格已经翻了一番,今年以来,黄金价格已经上涨21%,继续刷新价格记录。 是什么在支撑黄金价格的持续上涨?如果美国经济继续扩展其债务,美元的全球储备货币地位是否会受到威胁?
Originally from Myanmar, Manni has spent three years in Shanghai, where she has developed a profound appreciation for Chinese classical poetry. This famous verse not only reflects Li Bai's sigh of ...
Chinese actors, scriptwriters, and popular domestic productions have received nominations for the 2024 Asia Contents Awards ...
They are now available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese and Lao, as well as the languages of Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazakh, Korean, Yi and ...