对比双眼,天文望远镜因有较大收集光綫的能力而令远方星体看起来更光亮;两块透镜的设计亦令望远镜有一定放大率,把细小的物件放大。另外,角分辨度的提升亦能提高解像能力,亦即星体上的特徵也能仔细看清。伽利略利用此望远镜,成功观察到木星的四颗衞星,以及金星的相 ...
IT之家 9 月 10 日消息,佳能昨日在海外发布了 Cinema EOS C80,使用 RF 卡口,定价 5499 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 39129 元人民币),其国行售价现已正式揭晓 ——39800 元,将于 11 月上旬开售。 佳能 ...
Discover why people buy the best DSLR cameras and the advantages they offer. Explore common uses, factors to consider when ...
泰姬陵拥有优雅的对称结构,四周被巨大的花园所环绕。它的建筑风格结合了印度、波斯和伊斯兰等元素,展现了精湛的建筑工艺。陵墓内部有一个华丽的大理石墓室,皇后姬蔓.芭奴的墓放置于其中。泰姬陵以其壮丽的外观、精美的雕刻和浪漫的爱情故事而闻名于世,它也是印度的 ...
Canon’s new flagship camera introduces new technologies, advanced features and more streamlined workflow processes for ...
• KARA Beth Davies is a 27-year-old marketing assistant, from Wrexham. Kara Beth Davies in front of Tower Bridge, London (2018). When and why did you take up photography?
Canon has been using Eye Control AF in its pro sports cameras – namely the EOS 1D X Mark III DSLR and the EOS R3 – but it’s ...
佳能今日在海外发布了新款电影摄影机Cinema EOS C80,该产品采用无反光镜设计,配备2600万像素全画幅堆叠CMOS传感器,并使用RF镜头卡口。 C80是C70的后继机型,与C400采用了“几乎相同”的传感器。其他主要规格包括:支持6K30P ...
【ITBEAR】9月11日消息,佳能近日揭晓了旗下最新数字电影摄影机EOS C80,标价39800元,并宣布将于11月上旬正式登陆市场。 EOS C80作为一款紧凑型的电影摄影机,继承了EOS ...
Doherty — in its first year playing at the Class 4A level — is 2-1, earning wins against Liberty and Palmer thus far. Rampart ...
Is fashion photography your passion and looking for the best camera to fulfill your photography needs and capture sharp, ...