In conversation with Lydia Beaumont, planting expert at Gardeners' Yard, she explains that USDA zones are geographic areas ...
Just because a plant appeals to hummingbirds doesn't mean it's right for your yard. Due to their invasive nature and ...
凌霄(学名:Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) Schum.),别名上树龙、五爪龙、九龙下海等,为紫葳科凌霄属的攀援藤本植物。其茎木质,以气生根攀附于它物之上。叶对生,为奇数羽状复叶;小叶卵形至卵状披针形,边缘有粗锯齿;顶生疏散的短圆锥花序,花萼钟状 ...
As a seasoned gardener, I’ve had the pleasure, and sometimes the challenge, of cultivating various climbing plants. Vines add ...
Annuals and perennials: lisianthus (Eustoma), zinnia, moss pink (Phlox subulata), geranium (Pelargonium) Bulbs, corms, tubers: spider lily (Lycoris) Trees, shrubs, vines: lantana, trumpet vine ...
This time of year, gardens, parks and natural areas begin to fill with the songs and sights of migrating birds. More than 200 species of birds fly through the Chicago area every autumn, following ...
Pruning plants in summer is just as important for some plants as winter pruning. By pruning in summer, you can reap the rewards of better displays from ornamental plants. You'll also encourage bigger ...