With the publication of these two articles we are completing our translation of the first issue of Kommunist, the journal of the “proletarian… ...
‘Greedy People’ Boasts a Wild Joseph Gordon-Levitt But Little Else Hits its Target. The new dark... ‘Jackpot!’ Sees Awkwafina and John Cena on the Run in a Satirical Action Comedy. Paul ...
Bukharin, without question, was a significant, though erratic, leader. But neither Dzerzhinsky nor Bukharin remotely approached the stature of Trotsky as revolutionary leaders. As for Krestinsky ...
The inner history of Soviet ideology is thus the story of a metaphor – a history of the changing perceptions of the road to communism. In 1925, Nikolai Bukharin’s book Road to Socialism exuded the ...
No one was safe. In 1937, Nikolai Bukharin, a powerful member of the Politburo who rivaled Stalin for power in the 1920s, was arrested, forced to "confess" his plots against the State in a show ...
Show trials were organized, between 1936 and 1938, of Bolshevik leaders, including Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin and Rakovsky. These gruesome proceedings, in which the defendants were compelled to ...
The rapid process of capitalist development in China and its rise as an imperialist power is one of the most important ...
An academic article challenging the anti-bolshevik thesis that the bolshevik policies implemented in war communism period was an indication of their "innate" stalinism. Presenting his case on a ...
Murzban Jal. I’m certainly glad I live other than an academic life. — Raya Dunayevskaya, ‘To Herbert Marcuse’, June 27, 1957. On the Crisis of the Indian Left. In times ...
This book is crammed full of stories of fascinating people who led extraordinary lives – and yet one of the main characters ...