本雅明在其著名的《摄影小史》中讨论了能够实现“对秘密的披露和对实情的建构”的摄影,它对抗的是那些自称为真实但实则虚伪的广告宣传和拼接的摄影,对此他引用了布莱希特对摄影的看法: ...
Check if you have access via personal or institutional login Brecht's 'Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches' (Fear and Misery of the Third Reich) gives a compelling documentary picture of life in Nazi ...
Redateljica Lenka Udovički odlučila je sve uloge, osim one glavnog negativca, povjeriti ženama. Legitimno! No takvu odluku ...
Carnegie’s intermittently illuminating festival “Fall of the Weimar Republic” has suffered from interjections of too much standard repertory. By Zachary Woolfe Brecht’s 1944 play “The Ca ...
詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯(James Earl Jones)是一名因低沉浑厚的声音而闻名的传奇黑人演员,曾在《星球大战》系列中为达斯·维达(Darth ...
ABC’s utterly biased “moderation” effort at the Trump-Harris debate is killing ratings. David Muir, of “World News Tonight,” ...
To avoid acquiring an American accent he returned to Britain, working in repertory theatre. He appeared at the Nottingham ...
Bowie In Berlin is a new BBC radio documentary shedding new light on the time the star spent in the German capital in the mid ...
A delightful duality drives “Urinetown,” the cautionary musical comedy playing at the Lyric Stage through Oct. 20. While ...
With their ghoulish, clownish make-up and downbeat Middle-Europa clothes, the Tiger Lillies (Martyn Jacques, vocals, piano ...
After former President Trump accused Harris of taking people's guns away, she pushed back, reminding him of the ...
After Taylor Swift endorsed his opponent Kamala Harris, former president Donald Trump declared his "hate" for the 14x Grammy ...