WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - Extra High - TEH 21.8 WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - Extra High - TEL 21.1 WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - High 13.8 WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - High - TEH 14.2 WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - High ...
近日,新款宝马3系及i3上市,新款宝马3系共5款车型提供选择,指导价为31.99-39.99万元;新款i3可选3款车型,指导价为35.39-41.39万元。其中,新款宝马3系取消320车型,但内饰,配置都有升级。前不久,宝马重返“价格战”的话题闹得沸 ...
Great to see BMW sticking with what is an actual car, and not ditching it entirely in favour of its X1 and X2 crossovers. In principle the 1 Series is pretty conventional, so if it succeeds it's ...
Find out how much the Road Tax (Vehicle Excise Duty or VED) will be on your car over the coming year. Cars from 1 March 2001 are taxed according to how much CO2 they emit. Cars registered before 1 ...
不同年份和不同市场的i3电池参数可能会略有不同。 问宝马i3充电的时候屏幕会一直亮吗 答宝马i3充电的时候屏幕会一直亮。当宝马i3充电时,车内屏幕会一直保持亮屏状态。充电时需要监控电池的充电状态和充电速度,同时显示充电进度等信息,车内屏幕会一直 ...