For MESOS, Kip says he used a propellant known as ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP). While the composition naturally varies depending on the application, this family of propellants ...
[KoD] and [Navic] are building solid propellant motors using sugar and potassium nitrate. They cook up the two ingredients along with water and a bonding agent. They find that corn syrup is ...
Gelled propellants are produced from liquid propellants with the addition of gelling agents. They are solid at rest, for example in a tank, and become flowable under the influence of shear stress, as ...
For example traditional propellant and warhead production technologies, which were developed over more than 60 years, have more or less reached the end of its development cycle. With the advent of 3D ...
A propellant is an explosive material which undergoes rapid and predictable combustion (without detonation) resulting in a large volume of hot gas. This gas can be used to propel a projectile, i.e. a ...
Taking into account all these data, a very simplified method can be written to simulate the evolution of the grain during the propellant combustion obtaining the transient propierties of the exhausted ...
A hybrid-propellant rocket is a rocket with a rocket motor that uses rocket propellants in two different phases: one solid and the other either gas or liquid. The hybrid rocket concept can be traced ...
However, while boron has been investigated for such applications since the 1940s, this propellant has been difficult to tame due to its variable and complex combustion behaviour. Alla Pivkina ...
The students listed on this site were prospective May 2020 graduates as of April 9, 2020. For any questions regarding degree certification, please contact the Office of Records and Registration at law ...