Now that my engagement and wedding reminiscences have passed, my mind wanders closer to the present. In fact, it wanders just to my right, where a large bald-faced hornet’s nest hangs from a lamp in ...
This is a face you do not want to meet up close and personal. Meet the Bald-Faced Hornet. Kelley’s dad once had the misfortune of being stung by several of these insects. He said it felt like being ...
co-owner of JC Pest Control Co. in Wintersville, sprayed a wettable powder to chemically treat the active bald-faced hornet nest in John and Judy Schmidt’s front yard. -- Christopher Dacanay ...
The hornets bear a close resemblance to several native insects, making them difficult to identify. These look-alike species include the bald-faced hornet, European hornet, cicada killer wasp, ...
I suppose everyone is familiar with the bald-faced, or white-faced, hornet. Surely, you’ve seen a hornet’s nest, shaped like a bloated football, high up in a tree or under the eve of a building.
This image is available to be shared and re-used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence (CC BY-NC). This image can be reproduced in any way apart from any commercial ...
While a hornet sting is generally not dangerous (unless you’re stung many times or have an allergy), it is painful—hornets release more venom per sting than any other stinging insect.
If you have aggressive yellowjackets or a large bald-faced hornet nest, it’s probably a job best left to the pros. How to Prevent Wasps From Coming Back Once you get rid of wasps, you don’t ...