The ancient Polynesians navigated their canoes by the stars and other signs that came from the ocean and sky. Navigation was a precise science, a learned art that was passed on verbally from one ...
A new study has found evidence that 13th-century Polynesians settled as far south as the Auckland Islands, just 2,000 ...
As the voyages became longer, they developed a highly sophisticated navigation ... ancient forerunner of the modern catamaran swiftly through the seas, and long steering paddles enabled Polynesian ...
Polynesian navigators traversed the vast Pacific Ocean, relying on their deep knowledge of the stars, ocean currents, and ...
Polynesian navigators were exploring the vast open waters of the Pacific Ocean. The ancient sailors navigated through an enduring relationship with their natural surroundings. They used the fixed ...
HONOLULU — No modern navigation instrumentation guided ... said that the successful journey taught her the value of ancient Polynesian maritime techniques. “We really are sailing in their ...
Asked who he thought made contact first, Mr Ioannidis ventured that it may have been Polynesian navigators reaching South America. "Because the timing is exactly at the time that the Polynesians ...