A Connecticut Army vet has taken home two Guinness World Records after inking and modifying 99.98% of her body — and is still carving out space for more. Esperance Lumineska Fuerzina officially ...
“Turning darkness into beauty.” That’s how Esperance Fuerzina, a 36-year-old army veteran from Bridgeport, Connecticut, has etched her name in history by becoming the most tattooed woman in ...
Scientists in China have made a significant breakthrough in graphite purification. They have achieved a graphite purity level ...
A Finland-based firm that develops, builds and sells superconducting quantum computers, has achieved significant ...
United Airline flight attendants want better pay, job security, and schedule flexibility. Flight attendants at United Airlines have voted nearly 100% in favor of a strike if the company’s ...
根据联合国艾滋病规划署最新报告显示,截至2023年,全球约有3990万艾滋病病毒感染者,其中接近四分之一,即930万人未能获得拯救生命的治疗,导致每1分钟就有1人因艾滋病相关原因死亡。艾滋病,这一可通过血液、母婴、性等多渠道传播的传染病,是当前全球最 ...
United flight attendants are the latest to vote overwhelmingly for a strike as flight attendant negotiations have become particularly contentious this past year. United Airlines flight attendants ...
中新社香港9月10日电 (记者 戴小橦)香港交易及结算所有限公司(港交所)10日表示,占证券市场份额超过99.9%的参与者及所有衍生产品市场的参与者已向 ...
中国日报9月14日电 吉利德科学于9月12日宣布了其评估一年给药两次的来那帕韦的第二个关键的3期临床试验中期分析结果。相较于背景HIV发生率(bHIV),来那帕韦降低了96%的HIV感染率。在2180名受 ...
快科技9月1日消息,据“中核集团”官微发文,中国原子能科学研究院(以下简称“原子能院”)利用100兆电子伏(MeV)强流质子回旋加速器辐照 ...
IQM's quantum processor achieved 99.9% fidelity in recent tests, the company says, edging the previous 99.8% record it set in February. Here's what that actually means. Scientists in Finland say ...
“Turning darkness into beauty.” That’s how Esperance Fuerzina, a 36-year-old army veteran from Bridgeport, Connecticut, has etched her name in history by becoming the most tattooed woman in ...