Type D—the D stands for “distressed”—is described as a combination of being inhibited in social situations and tending to experience negative emotions. The concept of Type D is distinct ...
为了评估母体感染对后代免疫力的影响,Ai Ing Lim 和同事用一种名叫假结核耶尔森菌(Yersinia pseudotuberculosis)的常见食源性病原体的某个特定菌株来 ...
Scientists have found a contaminated ingredient used in milkshakes was likely to blame for a Yersinia outbreak in an Australian state. In January 2023, an outbreak of Yersinia enterocolitica in ...
This test assesses whether you possess the hallmark behavioral characteristics of the Type A Personality. These include hostility, impatience, difficulty expressing emotions, competitiveness ...
Our analysis of pork-chop and ground-pork samples from around the U.S. found that yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium that can cause fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, was widespread.
Plague affects humans and other mammals. Usually, people get the plague after being bitten by a rodent flea carrying Yersinia ...
A U.S. representative has introduced a bill that would allow the FDA to share information with state and local entities for the purpose of investigating foodborne outbreaks and food recalls.
The poly-A tail is a long chain of adenine nucleotides that is added to a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule during RNA processing to increase the stability of the molecule. Immediately after a gene in ...
快科技9月16日消息,据媒体报道,郑州的孙女士在结束了一天的忙碌后,习惯性地从冰箱中取出一盘看似诱人的熟牛肉作为晚餐享用。然而,这一 ...
Picking a college major can be a daunting task for students. But once students settle on a major, they may be faced with another decision: choosing between a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of ...