Koch’s bacillus – the cause of tuberculosis – was identified in 1882, earning the microbiologist Robert Koch the Nobel prize ...
The Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita: ancient Indian texts that challenge Western categories, yet influenced the course of ...
I have been in something of a Twitter storm over the past few days, all because of an argument about the ethnic diversity of Roman Britain (sounds harmless enough you think, well . . . just see). I ...
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Always question, never be afraid to change when the answer is “change”. To what extent, in your view, is writing a political act? To a very large extent.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) pursued two main themes in his work, one now familiar, even commonplace in modernity, the other still under-appreciated, often ignored. The ...
Welcome to our terms. Our terms are designed to provide our subscribers and visitors with a guideline as to how all aspects of our services are accessed and how you ...
It is a scoop unquestionably; it is a revelation. As literary mysteries go, the identity of Elena Ferrante was one of the great enigmas in the literary world. Especially in our epoch of over-sharing, ...
What is the purpose of philosophy? David Papineau recently took a stab at this question, and his answer didn’t convince me. He sees continuity from Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle to the ...
“What a lark! What a plunge.” Clarissa Dalloway’s words on leaving her house to buy flowers for her party that evening might have been those of Virginia Woolf, her creator, when in 1907 she had set up ...
A simple list of Isaiah Berlin’s principal beliefs, stripped of the rich detail and nuance that he always supplied, may strike the reader as so obvious as to be banal; yet his positions have not ...
When I was my students’ age, the idea of an African American literature existing before Richard Wright and Langston Hughes would have been provocative; as an undergraduate I had not heard of ...