L'Indice des prix des produits industriels a reculé de 0,8 % d'un mois à l'autre en août et il a progressé de 0,2 % d'une année à l'autre. L'Indice des prix des matières brutes a diminué de 3,1 % d'un ...
The following datasets are available at the Research Data Centres (RDCs). If data you are seeking for your RDC project is not listed, please contact ...
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time. Bringing together data, tools and analytical papers to provide you with the latest information on retail and ...
Use the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) interactive app to explore data on immigrant income, by sex, pre-landing experience, immigrant admission category, years since landing and landing year ...
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 1 Impacts of COVID-19-PUMF CPSS 5311 Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 2 Monitoring the Effects of COVID-19-PUMF CPSS 5311 Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series ...
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) represents changes in prices as experienced by Canadian consumers. It measures price ...
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time.
The Employment Insurance Coverage Survey provides a meaningful picture of who does or does not have access to EI benefits among the jobless and those in a situation of underemployment. The survey also ...
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time. Bringing together data, tools and reports to provide you with the latest information on immigrants and non ...
The additions of gender identity and gender expression in the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, as well as some sources of administrative data changing from sex to gender, necessitated ...
Cette application web permet d'accéder aux données sur les ventes des services de restauration et des débits de boisson au niveau du Canada, des provinces et des territoires. L'application offre aux ...
Regroupe des données, des outils et des rapports pour vous fournir les renseignements les plus récents sur l'immigration et la diversité ethnoculturelle. Veuillez utiliser La base de données ...