A recent article in an American legal periodical highlighted what I believe is the irreconcilable problem with large full-service law firms in that market. The title — “Tensions Ripple Through ...
There’s a lot of talk, grumbling, and bemused head-scratching in law firms these days among partners of a certain age who lament the younger generation of lawyers who are so good at saying no and ...
In July of last year, Canada’s three research-funding agencies set out to improve public and academic access to the studies they sponsor. Open access to research and scholarship is proving to be the ...
Before J.D. Vance, we had our own cat lady, Twiss—an unapologetic lover of cats and Cats. Twiss, along with a cast of other lovable characters and a fantastic script inspired by the great ...
Gary P. Rodrigues is a publishing industry consultant, advising both private sector and government, and a columnist for slaw.ca, Canada's online legal magazine. He has had extensive experience at the ...
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These are the blogs of Slaw's contributors.
These are the blogs of Slaw's contributors.
Michael Litchfield is a management consultant, lawyer and educator and is the Managing Director of Emerald Engine Research Inc., an AI consultancy and research firm based in Victoria, BC. In addition ...
These are the blogs of Slaw's contributors.