The Maths Hubs Programme has always evolved and developed, and no doubt will continue to do so, but the underlying principles ...
The Multiplication and Division spine is divided into 30 segments. For each of these segments we have produced a detailed teacher guide, including text and images. The images are also presented as ...
Although manipulatives and representations are commonly used in primary mathematics or have been historically considered the reserve of lower prior attainers, they can be equally valuable for ...
To celebrate ten years of the Maths Hubs Programme, a new five-minute video has been created to showcase the best of the ...
Welcome to Origin Maths Hub. The Lead School for the hub is Tudor Grange Academy, Solihull. We work together with all schools and colleges to support the continuous improvement of mathematics ...
This is for primary schools who have previously been involved in a Development or Embedding Work Group, or who are Mastery Specialist schools. Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use ...
Effective teaching for mastery is underpinned by five big ideas. This webpage provides a diagram and an overview of them.
Mastery case studies: aspects of teaching for mastery under the spotlight Each of these case studies highlights the practice of one teacher or one school in England, or focuses on one aspect of ...
This project is for Early Years teachers who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths to Reception pupils. It may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved ...
The NCETM is led and delivered by Etio (formerly Tribal Education Services), with MEI as a key partner. Learn more about Etio Global and what they do via the link to their website in 'About the NCETM' ...
The graphic above shows the year mapped into different areas of the curriculum, to give an idea of the time that should be spent on each unit. Spare weeks are included in each term to allow for ...
These short videos were originally produced to provide primary school pupils with interactive lessons while they were learning at home during the first lockdown in 2020. Parents or teachers can now ...