澳大利亚运营商澳大利亚电信(Telstra)达成了了另一项可再生能源交易,签署了一份合同,购买位于新南威尔士的260MW Glenellen 太阳能发电厂(260MW Glenellen Solar Farm)生产的一半的电力。 一旦项目完成,每年将为Telstra提供大约210GWh(2100亿瓦特)的电力。 Telstra ...
苹果推出了备受期待的iPhone 16智能手机,该手机配有一套称为Apple Intelligence的 AI工具,以扭转手机销售低迷的趋势,并更好地与谷歌和三星竞争。 首席执行官蒂姆·库克在9月9日Glowtime活动上表示,iPhone 16是首款“为Apple Intelligence和突破性功能从头开始设计“的 ...
据报道,华为高端三折叠手机在7个小时内获得了130万个订单,在官宣前一天订单数升至300万个。 据日经亚洲报道,被称为世界上第一款三折叠智能手机的华为Mate XT于9月7日午时开启在线订购,在中国有100万人在发布7小时后进行了预订。 这款高端手机的售价未 ...
华为在深圳通过直播发布了其大肆宣传的三折叠智能手机,吹捧其纤薄的设计和具有“开创性”的功能,起价为19999元人民币(2809美元)。 9月10日的发布会是在苹果发布iPhone16系列的数小时后,也是这家受到美国制裁的公司推出Mate 60 Por一年后,尽管本国芯片 ...
Nokia introduced a calculator designed to measure the environmental and social benefits of using private networks in ...
IT provider Viavi Solutions was linked with making another approach for peer Spirent Communications, after an initial ...
India evolved from low-end iPhone assembly to having the capability to turn out the latest models, and now aims to repeat ...
DigiTimes stated Apple’s 5G modem will likely debut in the iPhone SE early in 2025, with the vendor then targeting use in its ...
Mobile World Live brings you our top three picks of the week including T-Mobile US, EU AI regulation and Thierry Breton's ...
The European Commission (EC) will spell out ways Apple must open up its ecosystem to align with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) ...
The FTC called on US politicians to take action to ensure social media companies do more to protect their users.