Generosity is an attitude of gladly sharing whatever we might have, regardless of our wealth. Scripture reveals that openhanded lavishness is an attribute of God (Deut. 28:12). And as part of His ...
Nehemiah demonstrates the power of prayer. As a servant to the king of Persia, he had no right to request leave to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, much less to requisition materials and protection. Yet ...
In today’s psalm, David discusses a fundamental attribute of God: His sovereignty. This means God has complete authority and control over all human beings and every aspect of the universe. It also ...
A fire will not continue to burn strongly unless it’s stoked. Similarly, a believer’s fervor, if left untended, can diminish. Believers can experience “cooling” for several reasons. When tragedy ...
As believers, we’ve been granted special abilities to be used during our time here on earth. First Peter 4:10 says we have a responsibility to respond to this divine grace by serving one another. It’s ...
Motivated by love, God provided a way for our sins to be forgiven: He sent Jesus to be our Savior. When we trust in the Lord’s substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf, we receive the gift of ...
These days, many of us would rather rely on ourselves than on one another. It’s common for neighbors to treat each other with suspicion instead of congeniality—and that goes for church members too.
In today’s passage, someone asks what the greatest commandment is. Jesus replies, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” He doesn’t stop there ...
Believers are called to be compassionate (Luke 10:37), but we must show discernment when practicing kindness. At times, stepping into someone’s life can block what God is doing with that person. Let’s ...
As we mature spiritually and gain wisdom from Scripture, we should recognize that confession, repentance, and obedience are necessary tools for maintaining an intimate relationship with God. When the ...
Is it possible for grieving to be an act of worship? Consider today’s passage about Nehemiah, an Israelite who served as cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah sat down and wept for days when he ...
In our ever-changing world, friendships drift, families move, and technology advances. If we seek security in people, position, or possessions, we’re going to be disappointed. Yet we all need ...