According to the information obtained by ANHA's correspondent, a suicide drone of the Turkish occupation mercenaries blew itself up in Tal Rifaat city hill in Afrin and al-Shahba canton. The ...
The Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces said in a press release that the operation was carried out after collecting sufficient information about the "terrorist element" and imposing a tight ...
This morning, Turkish police launched a raid on the Kurdish Association for the Studies of Mesopotamia Languages and Cultures (MED-DER) building and the Bayez Library, as well as the homes of several ...
Despite her deteriorating health, Iranian authorities denied human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi, who is detained in Evin prison, access to health care. According to ...
The Turkish occupying state is launching continuous attacks on the regions of Southern Kurdistan, with the cooperation and blessing of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which has provoked the anger of ...
The Syrian city of Jarabulus, occupied by Turkey, witnessed a confrontation between the al-Dakatirat and al-Jissat tribes last night, stemming from an old tribal dispute, according to local residents.
Djwar Nasri Ismail (Ridwan Ismail) was arrested by the Turkish occupation authorities in northern Kurdistan on September 17, 1991, due to his activities within the Kurdistan Liberation Movement and ...
A statement by the Internal Security Forces of the NE Syria region said that an operation was carried out against ISIS mercenary cells in Deir ez-Zor Canton, September 15. The operation was carried ...
In a procedure that Syrians are accustomed to that has not brought them any significant good, Bashar al-Assad issued a decree to form a new ministry headed by Muhammad Ghazi al-Jalali. The new ...
The International Solidarity Network (İnternational Solidarity Network) published an appeal on its official websites, to participate in an electronic campaign, which it will launch on October 8 (the ...
The second and final day of the 10th PYD Conference has just begun, after it kicked off yesterday morning in the city of Hasaka. The 10th Conference of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), coinciding ...
The conference elected Berwin Yousef and Gharib Hasso as the new co-chairs of the Democratic Union Party, instead of Saleh Muslim and Asia Abdullah. The election was approved by all party delegates ...