• Acute kidney injury occurs when the kidneys suddenly lose their ability to filter waste from the blood. Erythropoietin-stimulating agents are medicines that are mainly used to treat problems with ...
Contract Salary: £42,000 per annum Location: UK, Germany or Denmark – Remote/Flexible Closing date: 30 September 2024 ...
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) is a cytokine. A cytokine is a small protein. TNF-a is involved in inflammation. Drugs such as infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab inhibit TNF activity and ...
Cochrane's strength lies in its collaborative, global community. Cochrane Geographic Groups represent Cochrane in their host countries, advocate for the use of Cochrane evidence in health policy and ...
• Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation likely improves symptoms and quality of life and may improve exercise capacity (the maximum amount of physical effort a person can tolerate) in adults with ...
Ako vam je ovaj dokaz bio od pomoći, razmislite o donaciji Cochraneu. Mi smo dobrotvorna organizacija koja sažima dostupne dokaze kako bi pomogla ljudima u donošenju odluka o zdravlju i skrbi.
由于没有发现治疗组间唯一区别是MTX使用的相关RCTs或CCTs,因此无法对联合MTX治疗儿童和青少年原发性高度恶性骨肉瘤的抗肿瘤疗效、毒副反应和生活质量的影响得出明确结论。除了MTX相比顺铂疗法外,对于包含和不包含MTX的联合疗法也是如此。仅有1项比较MTX ...
大多数结局的现有相关证据被评估为质量较低。 我们没有从RCTs中发现任何明确的证据表明,与标准的口服抗生素和局部治疗相比,异维甲酸能改善痤疮的严重程度,但它可能会轻微改善经医生评估的痤疮的严重程度。在异维甲酸组中只报告了一例严重不良反应 ...
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
Evaluar la eficacia y la seguridad de los flebotónicos administrados por vía oral o tópica para el tratamiento de los signos y síntomas de la IVC de las extremidades inferiores. Métodos de búsqueda: ...
There are four well-designed studies randomising 823 children, which have demonstrated that there is no benefit of prolonging prednisone therapy beyond two to three months in the first episode of SSNS ...
Ako vam je ovaj dokaz bio od pomoći, razmislite o donaciji Cochraneu. Mi smo dobrotvorna organizacija koja sažima dostupne dokaze kako bi pomogla ljudima u donošenju odluka o zdravlju i skrbi.