As with the three year crop rotations and five year crop rotations, we divide our plot up after allowing for the permanent beds of comfrey, asparagus and rhubarb etc. In this case into four beds or ...
I send out a gardening newsletter to members with information that I think might be useful or interesting. Seasonal tips, changes to the web sites, exclusive offers I’ve negotiated for us and general ...
Clubroot has been known about since the 13th Century but wasn’t named until the 19th Century. A severe outbreak decimated the cabbage crop in St Petersburg, Russia and the Russian Gardening Society ...
Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and gooseberries. It forms a very vigorous spineless shrub, growing up to 1.8-2m tall and a similar size across, and is self fertile so only one need be ...
It was heavily promoted in the WW2 ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign as part of the standard cropping plan which was designed to provide a family’s vegetable needs from a standard allotment plot. This crop ...
Some years ago we moved to a new house which had a tiny suburban garden giving little room for growing vegetables, mainly a small herb bed and some salad crops. Then I realised there was an allotment ...
This article really covers both taking on a new allotment and converting any piece of ground like an old lawn to a productive vegetable plot. Usually the new allotment holder discovers he’s (or she) ...
The tomato is an import from a warmer climate to Britain so it’s no surprise that the ideal temperatures for growing tomatoes are higher than is usual outdoors here. Tomatoes can be grown successfully ...