SS Emerald was sailing in company with a number of ships on the night of 31st Jan 1944 off Beachy Head when a flotilla of e-boats attacked sinking several vessels including Emerald (806 tons) and the ...
I needed hundreds of crew agreements when I studied my husband’s great-grandfather’s professional career as a part-owner master of a series of sailing ships in the nineteenth century. The Memorial ...
Throughout the eighteenth century the Royal Navy was the largest employer of free black labour in a period when Britain was – at the same time – the largest trader in human lives across the Atlantic.
This painting of ships approaching shore under the guns of a fortress and in view of a wealthy audience is full of remarkable detail. The ships fly flags from several nations. The ships on the left ...
This begins a handful of episodes that will explore the maritime history of Africa. We begin with the fascinating story of African canoemen. African indigenous seafaring canoemen operated as middlemen ...
The Mariner’s Mirror is the international journal of the Society for Nautical Research. It has been published since 1911 and is recognized as the world’s leading journal of naval and maritime history.
We may think of globalism as a recent development but its origins date back to the fifteenth century and beyond, when seafarers pioneered routes across the oceans with the objectives of exploration, ...