By Lin Yi-chang and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Chiayi District Court has ordered a mother to pay ...
TECH LEADER: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines said it is unthinkable to exclude Taiwan from deliberations on the Pact for the ...
By Ben Blanchard and Faith Hung / ReutersAuthorities in Taiwan and Bulgaria yesterday denied involvement in the supply chain ...
ALERTS:An earthquake drill and typhoon test were conducted to test the nation’s capabilities to mobilize, deploy and ...
STATEMENTS:The DPP said Resolution 2758 does not involve Taiwan, the KMT said the ROC is a founding member of the UN and the ...
Staff Writer, with CNAUS Republican senators on Thursday introduced a bill to set up the US for success in its competition ...
CONSTITUTIONAL: The KMT said that the Constitutional Court ‘effectively abolished capital punishment,’ while human rights ...
以色列軍方宣布,今天對貝魯特發動空襲,「消滅」真主黨(Hezbollah)精銳「拉德萬部隊」(Radwan)指揮官阿基爾(Ibrahim Aqil)及約10名高階人物。法新社報導,以軍聲明指出,「依據精準情報,以色列空軍戰機對貝魯特地區執行目標攻擊,消滅拉德萬部隊指揮官阿基爾」,以及拉德萬部隊作戰網路與指揮鏈的其他高階人物。
民眾黨團今天在立法院會抗議行政院遲未公告施行「國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)組織法修正案」,讓NCC副主委翁柏宗繼續代理主委。民眾黨團總召黃國昌今天在施政總質詢更爆料自己接獲NCC內部檢舉,指翁柏宗過年贈送高價海鮮,竟由廣電媒體買單。法務部長鄭銘謙表示 ...
立法院新會期今(20)日開議即開戰!民眾黨團8席立委舉牌「綠媒小弟 請你出去」、「行政院長 違法亂權」,要求NCC代理主委翁柏宗「滾出去」;而綠營則擋在行政院長卓榮泰面前防衛,雙方發生碰撞衝突。民進黨立委林楚茵控訴,民眾黨團總召黃國昌噴口水無差別攻擊 ...
美國總統選舉即將於11月登場,研究人員指出,美國影星、歌手及運動員遭捏造對共和黨總統候選人川普及民主黨競爭者賀錦麗做出許多虛假證詞,正在社群媒體大舉擴散,其中許多來自AI影像產生器。法新社報導,流行音樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)、女神卡卡 ...
中國官媒「新華社」今天報導,中共總書記習近平在中國政協成立75週年大會上重提「全面貫徹新時代黨解決台灣問題的總體方略」,他還說,「深化兩岸各領域融合發展,促進兩岸同胞心靈契合,堅決反對任何形式的台獨分裂活動」。據報導,中共中央、全國政協今天舉行慶祝中 ...