Four months since the first pan-India lockdown in March, the understanding of what is “normal” has changed for individuals and businesses. Preferences, priorities and processes have undergone ...
Finishing your first year of grad school is certainly challenging but is also an outstanding achievement! Looking back, it may feel as if you were caught up in a whirlwind of courses, papers, research ...
Tito Edwards Tito Edwards manages Catholic websites for the new evangelization that Pope John Paul II and then Pope Benedict XVI asked for in the third millennium. After a lifetime of living a ...
Applying the Triple Embeddedness Framework and a five-phase model of reorientation, our study finds that the steel industry’s low-carbon reorientation strategies moved from inaction (phase 1 in our ...
McDonald, Rory, and Cheng Gao. "Pivoting Isn't Enough? Managing Strategic Reorientation in New Ventures." Organization Science 30, no. 6 (November–December 2019): 1289–1318.