I write about music and the business of music. Moby is one of my favorite interviews in all of music. Since our first conversation back in the '90s, every talk has been a thoughtful and highly ...
它与福克纳的《熊》、海明威的《老人与海》并称为美国文学史上的三大动物史诗。因为书中描写了海上纷繁的捕鲸生活,也被誉为“捕鲸业的百科全书”。 《剑桥文学史》称之为世界文学史上 ...
Ishmael signs on to the Pequod, a whaling ship captained by the brooding, one-legged Ahab, whose life has become obsessed by his pursuit of the crafty, enigmatic great white Moby Dick that maimed ...
It was pleasing to see the winner came down the inside section of the track,” O’Keeffe said. Damian Lane who rode the winner Moby Dick was in third last placing with 200 metres to go, but managed to ...