世界总人口的五分之一说汉语。普通话是中华人民共和国的官方语言,也是使用最广泛的语言,使用者达八亿人。从新加坡到 ...
一直以来,中文因汉字的复杂性等因素使学界对其成为通用国际语言存有疑虑。弗林德斯大学人文、艺术和社会科学学院的杰弗里·吉尔(Jeffrey Gil)博士的最新研究持有不同观点。 Chinese language and culture books.
Starting this semester, China’s national school curriculum will focus more on national security and traditional culture.
Our Chinese language programs strategizes and executes a multitude of projects aimed at making Mandarin language learning in the US mainstream, and generating engaging, relevant, and approachable ...
《焦点中国——高级汉语综合教程》是响应当前北美中文教学的新趋势,以广义的“中国研究”(China Studies)为最终目标,参照内容教学法(Content-Based Instruction)的基本原则和ACTFL外语水平测试对 ...
加拿大多伦多汉语水平考试中心|Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Toronto Centre为加拿大联邦注册非牟利机构,是中国国家汉办|孔子学院总部在多伦多设立的学术汉语考试HSK、中小学生汉语考试YCT、商务 ...
CLCB Programme Introduction Find out more about Chinese Language & Culture for Business The Chinese Language and Culture for Business (CLCB) course is a part-time executive programme for anyone with a ...
第四届国际汉语教学学术研讨会(中国·昆明)The 4th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (Kunming, China) on July 2-4, 2004 --The 4th International Conference Successfully Concluded 第五届国际汉语教学学术研讨 ...
In 2023, China and Saudi Arabia agreed to boost Chinese language education. Now, Chinese is part of Saudi school curriculums. In August, the first 175 Chinese language teachers arrived to launch this ...