Dr. Franz-Josef Paefgen (above), the company's current CEO, will retire in February after eight years of leading the ultra-lux brand. Though he's hit the traditional German retirement age of 65 ...
franz-josef paefgen to coordinate volkswagen group's classic activities Wolfsburg, September 15, 2011 – Dr. Franz-Josef Paefgen is to assume responsibility for the global coordination of the ...
司法部说,在这起犯罪阴谋中,阿纳斯塔西娅从受制裁的俄罗斯寡头亚历山大·叶夫根耶维奇·乌多多夫(Aleksandr Yevgenyevich Udodov)手中收受资金 ...
俄罗斯籍外商叶夫根妮雅、法国籍外商安娜、乌克兰籍外商奥莱娜和维克多来到凤冈,考察凤冈茶产业发展情况。贵州凤冈经开区管委会副主任吴太生及县经贸局... 茶园基地 时下,茶叶进入 ...