新华网忻州8月19日电 “保德是个好地方,百里飘枣香,黄河流水万年长,秦晋好风光”……每周一、三、五下午,总有悠扬的 ...
香港(亚洲新闻)- 在香港担任传教士 65 年后,宗座外方传教会(PIME)的意大利传教士恩保德神父(Gianni Giampietro)昨天(6月11日) 逝世,享年 89 岁。
科研人员报告了对亚历山大·冯·洪堡1807年的Tableau Physique图描绘的安第斯山脉的重新勘测。洪堡的图被认为是生物地理研究的一份基础文档,而且 ...
Bienvenido León does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations ...
Alexander von Humboldt was a naturalist and explorer whose books about his travels won legions of admirers, among them the young Charles Darwin. Andrea Wulf, who wrote the biography The Invention ...
基金业绩表现(即风险调整后收益)在同类型基金中排名前72%。评级不包含业绩不满两年的基金,以及封闭式基金、货币市场基金和保本基金。 光大 ...
Go on a mission Paraguay’s one Unesco World Heritage Site is actually two: the missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná ...
It's safe to say that the games industry is in somewhat of a volatile state at the moment. Projects are taking longer to complete, budgets are becoming unsustainable, and development staff ...
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) was one of the most famous figures of his time, not only in his native Prussia but throughout the world. In addition to being a leading geographer, climatologist ...