Researchers from University of Tsukuba investigated the mechanisms that maintain the consistency of daily sleep quantity and quality. They developed a molecular tool that enhances synaptic connections ...
On September 5, 2024, the University of Tsukuba, with support from the Consulate General of Japan in Boston, hosted its second "University of Tsukuba Night" at the Venture Café Cambridge, located ...
On 18 July, a summer festival was held in the courtyard of Global Village starting at 6:30 pm. This festival began in 2018, with the start of operations at all Global Village buildings. Its aim was to ...
Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering, Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology Tsukuba is a peaceful city, and the university campus is ...
- Please refrain from attending if you have a fever, cough, or other health problems. - For parking, please use the "Daigaku Kaikan, Outpatient" or "Tategei Nishi". The ceremonies will be ...
Over the past three years, a research team led by University of Tsukuba conducted a comprehensive analysis of soil volatile organic compound (VOC) profiles in soybean fields to assess their potential ...
Plants possess a remarkable ability to repair themselves when a stem or other part is damaged. Researchers at University of Tsukuba have identified a gene, At2-MMP, that plays a crucial role in this ...
日々の睡眠の量と質を一定に保つ仕組みを調べるため、脳の神経細胞同士の結びつき(シナプス)を増強する分子ツールと、シナプスと脳の活動の関係を予測する数理モデルを開発しました。その結果、前頭葉でシナプスの結びつきが強くなると眠りが始まり、眠るとその結びつ ...
9月4日~5日の2日間、メキシコ国立工科大学(IPN)で第6回日墨学長会議が開催され、本学から池田 潤 副学長・理事(国際担当)および生命環境系の渡邉 和男 教授が参加しました。
2024年9月8日~17日に、科学技術振興機構(JST)『国際青少年サイエンス交流事業さくらサイエンスプログラム』により、マレーシア工科大学(UTM)・マレーシア日本国際工科院(MJIIT)から、大学院生6名、博士研究員1名、教員2名の合計9名を招へ ...
9月24日、駐日ヨルダンハシェミット王国大使館からMr. Ali Al Arabiyat、Charge d'Affaires ad interim、及び Mr. Omar Alhazaimeh、Political Officerが来訪し、池田潤副学長 ...