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Thomas simply could not believe that Christ had actually risen from the dead. His doubts were dispelled only when he had seen and touched the wounds in Christ’s side and hands himself. Emulating his ...
The Rijksmuseum’s collection of Asian art encompasses close to 8000 objects. This amount is actually modest given that Asia is the largest continent on earth, with more than 50 different countries, ...
Make a print of your favourite detail Download this work and make your own creation Order a ready-made poster of this work De Nieuwe Vismarkt te Amsterdam. Een visverkoopster houdt een stuk vis omhoog ...
Liotard has here copied another famous marble sculpture. As well as providing a landscape and stormy sky, he has added the river god Peneus, who changed the nymph into a laurel tree to prevent her ...
Make a print of your favourite detail Download this work and make your own creation Order a ready-made poster of this work Portret van Hortensia del Prado. Ten halven lijve, de rechterhand voor de ...
This scene is taken from the Heroides by the Roman poet Ovid. When Cydippe went to make an offering at the temple of Diana, Acontius, who was secretly in love with her, threw an apple inside with the ...
This scene is set at Fort Elmina, the headquarters of the Dutch slave trade in Western Africa, where Jan Pranger was director from 1730 to 1742. After his directorship, he travelled back via Suriname ...
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Paulus Potter (1625-1654) werd in Enkhuizen geboren als zoon van de schilder Pieter Potter en Aechtie Pouwels. Zijn moeder was afkomstig uit een welgestelde, invloedrijke familie. Al op jonge leeftijd ...
The most elaborately ornamented space in the Town Hall was the Vierschaar (Tribunal), where death sentences were pronounced. Three marble reliefs above the seats of the judges illustrate exemplary ...
De Nederlandse schilder Maurits van den Kerkhoff verhuisde in 1858, op zijn 28ste, naar het Indonesische eiland Java. Indonesië was op dat moment een Nederlandse kolonie. Van den Kerkhoff schilderde ...