The Fortum Oil and Gas Oy (subsequently renamed to Neste Oil Corporation) Porvoo refinery at Kilpilahti, Finland, situated 30km east of Helsinki, undertook an upgrade and expansion of its diesel ...
The Sannazzaro refinery is located in the Turin-Milan-Genoa industrial triangle, in Italy’s Po Valley. The facility, which is owned by Eni, has a refining capacity of 180,000 barrels per day. The ...
Blocks 14, 15, 17 and 18, and initially from Chevron's Cabinda Association area, exploiting non-associated gas from the Quilma, Enguia North, Atum and Polvo fields. The long-anticipated Angola LNG ...
Jordan petroleum refinery is located in Zarqa, Jordan, and owned by the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC). The refinery is being expanded to increase its capacity from the existing 60,000 ...
The Azadegan oil field project involves the development of the North Azadegan and South Azadegan oil fields. China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is developing the North Azadegan oil field, ...
The Lower Fars heavy oil development project aims to extract heavy oil from the Lower Fars reservoir of the Ratqa oil field, which is located in the northern part of Kuwait. Owned and operated by ...
The Trans-Mediterranean (Transmed) is a 2,475km-long natural gas pipeline built to transport natural gas from Algeria to Italy via Tunisia and Sicily. Built in 1983, it is the longest international ...
The Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) completed their LNG terminal in Incheon, South Korea in mid-2002. The Incheon LNG terminal is one of the biggest in the world and began its operation with three ...
Saudi Aramco’s Abqaiq Plants facility is the company’s biggest oil processing and crude stabilisation facility. With a capacity of 7 million barrels per day, the facility is the primary oil processing ...
The Yemen liquid natural gas (YLNG) project is in Balhaf, on the coast of Shabwah, about 400km east of Aden. Launched in August 2005, the project is being developed by a consortium led by France’s ...
Net4gas, an independent natural gas transporter, began construction of the 169km Gazelle gas pipeline in the Czech Republic in October 2010. The 56in-diameter pipeline will have a transmission ...
The 1,880km Iran-Pakistan pipeline is being built to carry natural gas from Iran’s South Pars field to Baluchistan and Sindh provinces in Pakistan. The $7.5bn pipeline will carry 750 million cubic ...