MotoGP: "They're working really hard in Yamaha, like I've never seen in the past. It's certainly too early to tell what the ...
MotoGP: "Pecco and Jorge seem to be doing better than me with so much grip, but I don't know if it depends on the GP24. They ...
SBK: Remy responds to Danilo: "Honestly, I don't understand what his problem is with me. I even tried to talk to him, but he ...
MotoGP: "It's the two riders who made the most difference, but by improving in the fourth sector I think I can fight for more ...
SBK: “Io so di cosa ho bisogno: potrei correre per altri tre anni così come smettere quest’anno. Piangerò di sicuro, perché ...
MotoGP: "In Yamaha stanno lavorando tantissimo, come non avevo mai visto in passato. Di certo è presto per capire quale sia ...
SBK: "We are working well but we are at the limit, last year's Bautista would have been ten seconds quicker than both us and ...
MotoGP: "In Yamaha they are working so hard, like I have never seen in the past. It's certainly too early to tell what the ...
MotoGP: Lin Jarvis, Managing Director of Yamaha Motor Racing, revealed that the Inline Four engine will be replaced by a V4 ...
SBK: Il portacolori Marc VDS precede la Kawasaki del fratello Alex mentre Rinaldi è terzo seguito da Locatelli. Rimasti ai ...
MotoGP: “Pecco e Jorge sembrano andare meglio di me con tanto grip, ma non so se dipende dalla GP24. Hanno fissato ...
I could race for three more years as well as quit this year. I will cry for sure, because I would be so sorry, but it's not ...